Learning Specialist Melissa M. King and her team listen and respond to clients’ questions by employing scientifically sound practices that are both thorough and compassionate.
We stand by our work and understand the importance of bridging the gap between evaluation data and what actually happens in a classroom or homeschool setting.
I only wish we had met Melissa sooner. She identified our son's dyslexia. She gave us a detailed evaluation to bring back to his teacher and school, with very specific actions and resources to assist him. And the best part, she helped him realize that dyslexia is a gift, not something to be embarrassed of. After meeting Melissa, I felt like a weight was lifted. We finally knew how best to help our son and we had the data to prove it. -Mother of a third-grader who struggled with un-identified dyslexia.
MomChittenden County, VermontIt use to be extremely hard for me to give myself credit for my hard work, which I know is a
necessity in life. My confidence is much higher, my focus is getting better, and I just feel better overall. I have definitely been coming into myself a lot more and I want to thank you so much for helping me do that.
Facing the realization that our son’s learning challenges were not being met in the public school setting, we were at a loss of where to turn. It wasn’t just that Melissa was able to assess our son and propose programming to meet his learning disability; she has also been there to support him in so many other ways.
Mother of a twice-exceptional childVermontI am so glad we found Melissa and were able to engage her help in identifying the obstacles that were challenging my daughter's performance in school and creating incredible stress and emotional pressure for her. Her clear and thorough report and recommendations provided the tools we needed to take actionable steps with our school system. Additionally, the self-confidence boost she provided by explaining to my daughter how the learning differences were affecting her work, while showing her how to use the strengths she had and new approaches to studying, enabled my daughter to step back in to her academics with renewed confidence.
Parent of College-bound High School StudentVermontYou’ve been such a calm and caring provider of metacognitive training for my son. Thank you, Melissa, for your generous nature as well as your expertise–I hope that you’ll continue to contribute much-needed support to our family!
DadLamoille County, VermontSlow processing speed has nothing to do with intelligence, yet it is prevalent amongst those with learning disabilities and ADHD. ...